5387 places found for the letter R

LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Labs virziens, SIA
Labs virziens, SIAPakalpojumā ietilpst grāmatvedības pirmdokumentu sakārtošana un reģistrēšana, finanšu atskaišu sagatavošana un iesniegšana Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta EDS sistēmā, Centrālās Statistikas pārvaldes e-pārskatu sistēmā un citās institūcijās pēc nepieciešamības.
Vuolake Hotelli, hotel
Vuolake Hotelli, hotelHotel Vuolake is a comfortable family hotel near the centre of Laukaa, about a 15-minute drive from Jyväskylä. Hotel Vuolake has 26 rooms.
Pūdnīku skūla, keramika
Pūdnīku skūla, keramikaSmoked ceramics. Ancient pottery tehnology, where high mastery grounds is clever reserve, simple fairness and practical classes.
Terion, veterinary clinic
Terion, veterinary clinicVeterinary therapy, examination of pet diseases, complex vaccinations for dogs, cats, ferrets and rabbits; veterinary surgery: cat castration, cat sterilization and other operations; documentation necessary for traveling etc. (reasonable prices!).
Mēnesnīcas, guest house
Mēnesnīcas, guest houseGuest house Mēnesnīcas is located on the bank of Grīvas river, we offer lodgings for night, fire place with a hall for 30 people, sauna, well equipped kitchen, place for fire and volley ball field.
Santa, hotel
Santa, hotelHotel "Santa" offers you that opportunity in Sigulda – Latvia. We are close to Sigulda centre – in the picturesque stick, near waterside with wonderful landscape
RD Met, SIA, metal working
RD Met, SIA, metal workingSIA "Brizmet" nodarbojas ar metālapstrādi un metālizstrādājumu ražošanu pēc pasūtījuma. Virpošanas un frēzēšanas darbi. Pie mums strādā speciālisti ar lielu pieredzi mētālapstrādes jomā.
Hotel Tigra, hotel
Hotel Tigra, hotelHotel Tigra in Cēsis wil wait in order to provide rest after day works and activities. Special moments can be enjoyed in recreation centre, where is bathhouse, swimming pool and banquet - seminar hall.
Otafs, glaziers
Otafs, glaziersOtafs. Possibility to order school board, which is necessary for the particular classroom (after size and design). Chairs of pianists. Handwork.
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